Duce: Drawings, Paintings, Words
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Well it is a rainy day. The sketch is from a session with “D” not so long ago.
9”x 12” ink, oil sanguine and chalk on tinted paper
Fountain Pen: TWSBI ECO EF with Carbon Platinum Ink
What would a life drawing session be without a pose on the floor?
A couple of sketches from sessions with “D” and “JN” not so long ago.
“D”: 18”x 12” ink and watercolor wash
“JN”: 15”x 11” ink and wash
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Looking For A Beach
Looking For A Beach
A quick warm up sketch from a session with “SO” about a week ago. She accused me of exaggerating a few features more than necessary.
9”x 12” ink, oil sanguine and chalk on tinted paper
Fountain Pen: TWSBI ECO EF with Carbon Platinum Ink
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
The Cure
The Cure
My sketch of “CH” posing in the costumed session I attended last night. Preparing for Halloween.
14”x 17” ink and watercolor on Bristol
Fountain Pen: Platinum Carbon fine point
Two Sides Low
Two Sides Low
A couple of sketches of “R” sitting low, from a session not too long ago.
9”x 12” ink, oil sanguine and chalk on tinted paper
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