Monday, January 14, 2019

Esoteric Attack

Esoteric Attack

Surprised by shouts of silent noise
and flashing light from burned out bulbs
and swirling wind within dead air
in a room of moving walls.
Standing within invisible swirling lines
Reinventing familiar ruins
over a million years old.

Another sketch from the session with “D” over the weekend.
11”x 14” ink and watercolor

Fountain Pen: Platinum Carbon fine point


  1. Life in a poetic nutshell, with your drawing as the beautiful kernel inside.

  2. Bonjour cher Anthony,

    Un joli message par les mots et par la présence forte de cette belle jeune femme.

    Gros bisous 🌸

  3. A beautiful woman...outside of space and time...she could be a Witch from the Middle Ages...or a Priestess from Avalon.
    Absolutely hypnotic!!😊😊

    1. Or a model attempting to be someone else☺
      Thank you
