Thursday, February 14, 2019

Tying Ankle Ribbons

Tying Ankle Ribbons

I’m not sure
the process.
Final adjustments
before the dance.

Another quick sketch of “D” posing to dance. From a session with her a few nights ago.
9”x 12” ink, oil sanguine and chalk on tinted paper.

Fountain Pen: Platinum Carbon fine point


  1. How I long to see her dance...but at present there is only my imagination to fulfill that longing.
    As she ties her ballet shoes, I am filled with anticipation!
    Wow, amazing work, Anthony...šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š

    1. Unfortunately her dancing days are in the past. She does dance thought, from time to time, between the poses☺
      Thank you
