Thursday, October 10, 2019



A desire it seemed
to be as uncomfortable
as possible.

Sketch of a recent pose provided by “P”, and held for too long, in a session with him not so long ago.
9”x 12” in, oil sanguine and chalk on tinted paper

Fountain Pen: Platinum Carbon fine point


  1. Oh definitely uncomfortable!
    Here, I find him catching his breath...having finally struggled to reach the summit of a mountain.
    There is a sheer drop just behind him...oh God, I hope he doesn't forget and lean backwards!šŸ˜‰
    You can tell the air is thin here, and he's struggling to, what a story your gorgeous sketch has created! I hope there will be another instalment...?
    I so enjoyed šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š

    Have a fabulous weekend!

    1. Have to smile. “P” was on a stage doing various poses as a geologist or miner searching for gold. He was creating his story with ever pose. It was hard to keep up. You two should collaborate. Would love to be the illustrator☺
      Thank you
      Hope you are enjoying the weekend too.

  2. Nice pose and very interesting drawing !!!

  3. Great drawing - he looks relaxed, but maybe a little stiff when the pose was over. I know the feeling!
