Sunday, October 13, 2019

Portrait And All Of Her

Portrait And All Of Her

Two sketches in the same pose from a session with “AR” a couple of mornings ago with the Independent Painters Group.
Did the full figure study in a few hours before spending the last hour of the session in an attempt to do her portrait justice.
“AR” is responsible for the staging, the pose and the blankets she tacked up behind her. Not sure where I would have placed her otherwise.
Portrait: 11”x 14” ink and watercolor on Bristol paper
Figure: 14”x 17” ink and watercolor on Bristol paper

Fountain Pen: Platinum Carbon fine point


  1. Both drawings are so good and capture an elegance about the model. My fave is the portrait with all the linework - gorgeous!

  2. She is on the beach, sitting behind a windbreaker! πŸ˜‰
    I'm sorry, it just couldn't be anywhere else!! The blue and the yellow, for me, represents sky/sea and golden sand. So beautiful and evocative!😊😊
    And the portrait is absolutely stunning!!

    1. I would agree with you. Had considered a beach while sketching her out initially. If she had been undressed or dressed differently that’s where she would have been placed☺
      Thank you
