Several Minutes on the Floor
A quick sketch of one of the poses “A” provided at a session a couple of weeks ago.
12”x 9” ink and chalk on toned paper
Fountain pen: TWSBI ECO EF with Carbon Platinum Ink
Several Minutes on the Floor
A quick sketch of one of the poses “A” provided at a session a couple of weeks ago.
12”x 9” ink and chalk on toned paper
Fountain pen: TWSBI ECO EF with Carbon Platinum Ink
Parked for a Bit
A sketch of one of the poses “A” provided at a session last Wednesday.
11”x 14” ink and watercolor wash on cold press
Fountain pen: TWSBI ECO EF with Carbon Platinum Ink
Daily sketching.
9”x 12” ink and watercolor wash on cold press
Fountain pen: TWSBI ECO EF with Carbon Platinum Ink
Sketch of one of the short poses “J” provided at a session a couple of weeks ago.
9”x 12” ink, oil sanguine, chalk and a bit of black graphite on toned paper
Fountain pen: TWSBI ECO EF with Carbon Platinum Ink
Facing Storm
Daily sketching.
9”x 11” ink and watercolor wash on cold press
Fountain pen: TWSBI ECO EF with Carbon Platinum Ink
Portrait and Figure
Sketches a quick portrait after spending most of Friday morning sketching all of “A” in the pose she provided for the open draw session.
Portrait: 9”x 12” ink on cold press
Figure: 14”x 17” ink and watercolor wash with a bit of chalk on Bristol paper
Fountain pen: TWSBI ECO EF with Carbon Platinum Ink
Daily sketching.
7”x 11” ink and watercolor wash on cold press
Fountain pen: TWSBI ECO EF with Carbon Platinum Ink
Figure and Portrait
“P” was back this afternoon for the second week in the same pose as last week. I did a couple more sketches of him from a different vantage point in the studio.
Figure: 11”x 14” ink and watercolor wash on cold press
Portrait: 9”x 12” ink and watercolor wash on cold press
Fountain pen: TWSBI ECO EF with Carbon Platinum Ink
Holding A Mood
My sketch of one of the poses “A” provided in a session yesterday afternoon.
11”x 14” ink and watercolor wash on mixed media paper
Fountain pen: TWSBI ECO EF with Carbon Platinum Ink
Once Children Too
Daily sketching. Referencing an old family album.
9”x 12” ink and watercolor wash on cold press.
Fountain pen: TWSBI ECO EF with Carbon Platinum Ink
Sketch of a great short pose “A” provided in a session last week.
11”x 14” ink and watercolor wash on mixed media paper
Fountain pen: TWSBI ECO EF with Carbon Platinum Ink
Friday Morning
Sketched “B” again in the same pose as last Friday morning.
12”x 18” ink and watercolor wash on cold press.
Fountain pen: TWSBI ECO EF with Carbon Platinum Ink
Seated For a While
My sketch of a pose “P” provided for a session yesterday afternoon.
11”x 14” ink and watercolor wash on cold press.
Fountain pen: TWSBI ECO EF with Carbon Platinum Ink
Flowered Head
A sketch of one of the twenty-minute poses “A” provided in yesterday afternoon’s session. The flowers were her idea.
11”x 14” ink and watercolor wash on mixed media paper.
Fountain pen: TWSBI ECO EF with Carbon Platinum Ink
Quick daily sketch.
10”x 11” ink and watercolor wash on cold press
Fountain pen: TWSBI ECO EF with Carbon Platinum Ink
A quick daily sketch.
8”x 11” ink and watercolor wash on cold press.
Fountain pen: TWSBI ECO EF with Carbon Platinum Ink
Daily Sketching.
9”x 12” ink and watercolor wash on cold press.
Fountain pen: TWSBI ECO EF with Carbon Platinum Ink
Figure and Portrait, Second Week
Sketches of “J” posing a second week in the same pose for a session last Friday morning.
Figure: 12”x 18” ink and watercolor wash on cold press
Portrait: 11”x 14” ink and watercolor wash on cold press
Fountain pen: TWSBI ECO EF with Carbon Platinum Ink
Twenty minutes of gesture poses from a life drawing session with “J” earlier in the week.
12”x 9” ink and chalk on toned paper.
Fountain pen: TWSBI ECO EF with Carbon Platinum Ink
Conversation of Sorts
One of my sketches of the pose “B” provided this morning at the open draw session.
11”x 18” ink and watercolor wash on cold press.
Fountain pen: TWSBI ECO EF with Carbon Platinum Ink
Side Turn
A sketch of the longest pose “J” provided in a session yesterday afternoon.
12”x 18” ink and watercolor wash on cold press
Fountain pen: TWSBI ECO EF with Carbon Platinum Ink
Short Pause
Sketch from a five-minute warm up pose “J” provided in a session a couple of weeks ago.
9”x 12” ink on toned paper
Fountain pen: TWSBI ECO EF with Carbon Platinum Ink
Daily Sketching. Just sketching away.
14”x 11” ink and watercolor wash on cold press.
Fountain pen: TWSBI ECO EF with Carbon Platinum Ink
Daily Sketching. A bit with water-soluble ink
9”x 12” water-soluble ink and wash
Fountain Pen: Pilot Varsity
“E” was back for a second Friday morning in the same pose as the Friday before. Did two more sketches. One tight. One loose. Including a second sketch from last week too.
All three: 11”x 14” ink and watercolor wash on cold press
Fountain pen: TWSBI ECO EF with Carbon Platinum Ink