Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Holding Court

Holding Court

From a session with “JN” at three or four months, playing out a princess or queen yesterday afternoon.
2) 11”x 15” ink and watercolor

17”x 14” ink


  1. Ah, the first one reminded me the character from the movie I watched recently...this woman survived so many challenges...some dedication in her eyes...and more...ahead; like the meaningful background too.

    1. Game of Thrones was a comparison made my some of us who were painting her.
      Thank you

  2. Bonjour cher Anthony,

    Je me régale de vos dessins... Je refais toujours un petit retour en arrière... et je suis très admirative ! Même si je suis moins régulière pour venir vous visiter, je ne vous oublie pas... et puis sur votre page Facebook je revois certains dessin qui m'ont marquée.
    Vous êtes talentueux...
    Gros bisous 🌺

    1. Thank you. I should take more time after the model is done to work out the backgrounds, to tell the story the you do so well.
