Thursday, September 8, 2016

Distant Disturbance

Distant Disturbance

Quick sketch from a session with “B”.

18”x 24” graphite on craft paper


  1. Bonjour cher Anthony,

    J'ai honte de ne pas venir te visiter davantage... Je me régale en admirant tes oeuvres sur Facebook aussi..
    Il est vrai que l'été je batifole !!...
    J'ai fais un petit retour en arrière et ce n'est que du bonheur !
    Ton travail est magnifique. Ton coup de crayon est excellent et j'aime lorsque tu laisse aller ton imagination.

    Plein de bisous.

    1. Please, I understand. I must apologize more, as it has been a long time since I have put the effort I once did into these posts. I haven’t taking the time to combine my drawings with a story, a poem, in a very long time..
      I do so appreciate you complements for my drawings. When I finish the project I have been working on over the last couple of years, hopefully the words will return.
      Thank you

  2. Ah, this longing we all have more or less all the time...moving

  3. But, it seems to me the disturbance has now passed.
    In looking back, it is still painful...but she is OK now, the truth is there in her eyes.
    The worst part is fading into the distance...:)

    1. A good perceptive view. I hop you are right.
      Thank you
