Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Tuesday Morning

Tuesday Morning

Monday was missed somewhere
lost in the linger mist
of almost forgotten drama
still being ignored
from the Tuesday before.

Isolated still. Quick sketch from reference photos on a revolving stage in “Virtual Pose 3”. A substitute for life drawing.
9”x 12” oil sanguine and chalk on craft paper

Fountain Pen: TWSBI ECO EF with Carbon Platinum Ink


  1. The calm after the storm? We can clearly see in her aspect, the aftermath of a drama.
    She still isn't ready to move on, is reliving it over and over in her mind...I can't help wishing I knew what has happened a week ago...
    Very beautiful work...fabulous highlights!!😊😊

    1. “Calm after a storm” would have been a better title☺
      Thank you
