Friday, October 30, 2020

Behind a Story


Behind a Story

Yes, a story before them

almost there in the mist. 

But the story would take 

so much more time 

than the sketch.


Daily sketching of random faces found and then showing up again and again over time on my laptop screen. 

14”x 11” ink and wash

Fountain Pen: Platinum Carbon fine point


  1. Brilliant!!
    Where time zones converge in the here and now...incredibly intriguing.
    The thoughts were there, before the reality. The story, inviting us to become a part of it, is irresistible...😊😊

    1. Time converges so much quicker in the sketch than in the reality it takes to make sense of it all.
      Thank you

  2. Gosh Anthony I keep trying to comment on some of your great drawings and nothing happens.
