Monday, August 30, 2021

Last Monday in August


Last Monday in August


Just another tainted 

end of summer day, 

forgotten too when 

Tuesday becomes 

just another 

tainted day.



Daily sketching of strangers on my laptop screen.

12”x 9” ink, oil sanguine, chalk and black graphite on tinted paper.

Fountain Pen: TWSBI ECO EF with Carbon Platinum Ink


  1. WOW, how accurately this stunning sketch sums up our situation at present...Covid has certainly tainted our everyday lives, hasn't it, has left us with such monotony with only dreams of what might have been.
    The emotions are all there in her beautiful face, so clearly expressed.
    Oh this is truly wonderful...and I love it!😊😊

    1. Thank you
      Yes, it does feel like a second summer has been compromised by Covid. The end of another summer with or without Covid has come too soon again. It always does.
