Friday, January 18, 2019



A sad reminder of the end.
Followed by wondering,
and then the beginning.
A story or two of
a dream or two,
invented to replace
the lingering curiosity.

Yesterday’s sketch.
Returning to a number of reference photos I took in a place we don’t have a reason to visit anymore.

12”x 9” ink and watercolor


  1. I am always deeply affected by abandoned buildings...and am prone to mentally delve into their pasts, wondering who lived there, and what their life stories could be.
    To me, they are like lonely people...sad and in desperate need of TLC.
    This beautiful painting is incredibly haunting. I long to enter and walk through it's empty rooms, touch it's walls and feel it's history...😊😊

    Have a great weekend!

    1. I feel the same. Want to know the history. End up making up stories to fill in what can’t be seen.
      Hope you have a great weekend too. We had our first big snow today.

    2. They are forecasting snow for us too. That would be a revelation...all we usually get in winter is this awful damp rawness! Lol

    3. In 2107 I spent the winter in Edinburgh, and came to love the winter there with no snow or ice, just wonderful rainy moody days.
      I must be getting old. The snow and ice here in Michigan is getting harder to enjoy.
