Friday, December 4, 2020

End of the Road

End of the Road

Between memories and images 

that linger between 

various realities. 


Started as a doodle. Then a thumbnail. Then a memory, sort of something I saw before.  

6”x 4” ink and watercolor

Fountain Pen: Platinum Carbon fine point


  1. WOW, isn't it wonderful when memories can be embellished thus, in retrospect!
    I would love to be here, it is a sort of idyllic location...the sort of place I, too, dream of.😊😊
    Absolutely amazing work!!

    Have a great weekend...and stay safe!

    1. This place has been appearing in my imagination for sometimes in dreams, sometimes induced fantasy..
      Hope you are having a safe and great weekend too.

  2. Beautiful watercolour painting !!!
