Thursday, December 24, 2020

How to Disappear

How to Disappear

Easier than expected 

as the lines and colors go down. 

Easier too before the blues 

become more than colors too. 


Doodling with a purpose, but no reference, other than faded memories of places to disappear. 

9”x 7” ink and watercolors on matt board scraps. 

Fountain Pen: Platinum Carbon fine point


  1. I love the sketch, the blues. You are so talented.

  2. WOW, to disappear into this stunning scene would be a dream come true!!
    So much more than doodling...more a lifeline in these uncertain and scary times. Thank you so much! 😊😊

    1. Usually this sort of doodling is more successful. It's harder this year.
      Thank you
