Saturday, May 7, 2016

Second Week

Second Week

“SO” was back this Friday morning in the same pose. I ignored her legs last week, painting an ink and watercolor version. So of course this week, with acrylics, I ran out of time.
18”x 24” acrylic on canvas pad


  1. Wow..this pose is a very effective, she is like dancing, feeling involved in something bigger than just posing....nice colors and composition, calling for the next episode.

  2. I totally agree...the legs bring another layer of meaning to the whole.
    That wide apart stance shouts POWER! She is claiming her personal space and none other is welcome within her inner circle.
    A very arresting sketch, Anthony...effective indeed...:))

    1. Yes the position of power is definitely one of this models traits. A strong woman I’ve enjoyed drawing now for almost eight years.
      Thank you
