Thursday, September 21, 2017

Forest Vision

Forest Vision

Searched through a forest
said to cover ruins of better times.
I wasn’t able to find either.

When tortured enough by the foolishness,
ghosts step out in front of familiar trees.
They argued like I wasn’t there,
torturing each other and me.

It was enough to realize my stupidity.
Better times would not be found in a forest
smart enough to hide ruins with arguing ghosts.

A doodle sketch while waiting again, searching for anything not really there.

6”x 8” ink and chalk on tinted paper.


  1. This is so complex...and in same time such fantastic visitors! Arguing and torturing are so vital now, and really lead to ruins... I feel here suppose to emerge something new...

    1. Complex or just random thoughts? I’m not sure which. Hard to decide when starting with unprovoked searching scribbles.
      Thank you

  2. For me..a reawakening of Robin Hood...all this turmoil...these disputes worldwide...perhaps only the reasoning of the famous outlaw can make sense of it all...yes...SO complex...

    1. Another Robin Hood might help. Afraid he would be just as misunderstood in today’s world which seems to be heading back into the same dark places.
      Thank you

  3. Spectacular sketch and the words fit like a glove....what will become of this world....
