Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Promotional Ad

Promotional Ad

Pointing out
the possibilities,
the adventure.
Be one of a few
pushed through
the missing door.

Okay. There is a purpose in doing these. I’m just not sure what it is, yet..

9”x 12” ink and watercolor


  1. Either way, I'm sold. It seems to me, purpose and pleasure are one and the same thing.

    1. Oh if only I could see purpose and pleasure the same way. Life would be so much more enjoyable.

  2. Well it certainly worked with me...I am more than eager to be pushed through the missing door!
    I am totally convinced there is something magical beyond...perhaps a parallel Universe where suffering and cruelty does not exist.
    Dream on, eh?
    Ever the optimist, me!! 😉😉

    1. Short skirts and long legs. Worked for me when younger.
      Now that you are convinced I will have to make sure no harm comes to those who pass through☺
