Monday, May 14, 2018

From a Higher Place

From a Higher Place

Looking down over a small crowd
deciding how he will appear
from a place invented within
shadows and artificial light.

Some more sketches of “X” from a session a couple of days ago.

Both: 14”x 17” ink and wash


  1. I like this 'from a place invented within'. It gives a new perspective to look at the sketch. Nice, it's something new!

  2. Bonjour cher Anthony,

    Vous êtes incroyable !... Je suis éblouie par le nombre fabuleux de merveilleux dessins que vous produisez.
    J'ai fais un petit retour en arrière et j'ai eu beaucoup de plaisir à les admirer.

    Gros bisous

  3. Extremely God-like, this one, Anthony!
    I love how he is looking down from his elevated position...that strongly suggests POWER!
    This one feels Epic...perhaps a connection with the ancient Greek myths?
    Very intriguing...:))

    1. “X” would appreciate the promotion.. He would know how to play the part. He had done the Greek myth thing often in the past.
