Wednesday, March 13, 2019

A Thickness

A Thickness

It has been coming,
this sense of thickness.
Like a sickness only visual.
A darkness within a cloud
that filters the light,
letting in only enough
to exaggerate heavy
weighed down thoughts.

The model yesterday was “SA”. My sketch of one of her poses. It reflects my mood yesterday, probably more than hers.
12”x 9” ink, oil sanguine and chalk on craft paper

Fountain Pen: Platinum Carbon fine point


  1. Wow, the sense of "heaviness" comes through so powerfully here...both in her expression and in the heavy shadows that surround her.
    I do hope your mood soon lifted...😊😊

    1. There definitely was a sense of heaviness.. It was only temporary.. Was up soon after dealing with the day☺
      Thank you
