Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Days Lost

Days Lost

Days lost
Often remembered
They didn’t occur
She would appear

When the wind was blowing
When the fog was rolling in
Surface from grey waves

These days now aged
Less innocent
The conversation

Islands Off Solitude
5.5”x 8’5” fountain pen, chalk and oil sanguine on toned grey paper


  1. Bonjour cher Anthony,

    Après la longue pause estivale durant laquelle j'exposais mon travail à Gassin dans le Var, me revoilà ! Je suis très heureuse de vous retrouver et de pouvoir à nouveau ouvrir la porte de votre univers...
    Je suis heureuse d'admirer cette dernière oeuvre. Comme il est dit dans votre titre, "les jours perdus", j'ai manqué beaucoup d'entre elles !...
    Vos lignes me captivent et m'enchantent... J'aime !

    ✺ ❊ Je vous fais de gros bisous ❊ ✺

    1. Long summer breaks are good, especially when spent in beautiful places for a change in the scenery. I’m not sure where my latest work is going, but am looking foreword to finding out.
      Glad you are back. I’ve missed the kisses☺

  2. Beautiful writing so touching, it brings me back to her, the way she is, having been there, there's no peace, but an unwavering Love for where she stand, evokes such emotion from me from your writing, it brings me back to her

    1. Thank you
      Going back in this case is needed to appreciate the longing, and the experience gained.

  3. Ah...such beautiful words...inspired by a beautiful lady.
    I do so hope the lost days are found...and will never slip away again.
    Oh how she has missed you. :)

    1. Thank you
      The days lost are only partially found in the memories and how well they can be embellished by imagination.

  4. Your titles and verses are as beautiful as your drawings :)
