Friday, April 10, 2015



A quick sketch of “ST” from a couple of weeks ago. Maybe he was trying to hide in this pose?
The wind is blowing so hard today, making a lot of noise outside the studio. I think I’ll disappear today in this small world, and listen to the wind.
24”x 18” ebony graphite


  1. He looks so free, even twisted body-wise, i feel a peace...tranquility and it's raining out, and I love the sound of the rain.....and your sketch helps me stay in that great state of peace, thank you Anthony

    1. I wonder if freedom and peace can be found in making oneself as small as possible, or is that just escape, a feeling like being invisible? I wish I could make myself so small sometimes. My old bones won’t let me☺
      I like the rain too, as much as a the good gusting sound of strong winds.
      Thank you

  2. Your words really can go with sketch...hiding inside to reunite with soul for salvation and sorrow's insights...~ we got huge snowflakes today in mn...remember it will be gone too... :)x

    1. Wouldn’t it be great if we really could hide within what we draw, what we write? There are moments, sometimes just right, usually not.
      A few snowflakes in the wind would have worked, maybe thoughts of what will soon be in the past..
      Thank you

  3. I love to hear the sound of the wind and it can get quite windy here in Colorado but not much windy lately ..
    Wonderful sketch , as always .
    Always a pleasure to visit you ....

    1. I do like the sounds of the wind. When blowing. It must be wonderful where you are…
      Thank you

  4. This sketch just really made me feel. I don't know how you do it, Anthony. It does seem as though he wants to hide, to disappear from prying eyes. I wonder why? Maybe so he will not be judged? What does he hide from?
    What do we all hide from?
    (Whoa. Just scared myself there :))

    1. Much of the emotion in this sketch is actually in the pose “ST” provided. This was sketched from life.. “ST” is a wonderful artist’s model. It is so easy to get past the exercise of sketching and find yourself in the drama he is playing out.
      Don’t be scared. I had such thoughts too, shrinking myself small in the studio where I was sketching him.
      Thank you so much for thoughts, and for visiting.

  5. He does appear to be trying hard to make himself disappear, doesn't he?
    It's almost as if he's assumed the foetal position, desperately hoping to find some comfort and protection from the raging winds outside...:)

    Have a great weekend! :)

    1. Yes, even on the larger sheet of paper I started sketching him smaller as if disappearing to a dot. It took a realize what was happening before enlarging him to better fit the page☺
      Yes the raging wind was a factor in picking this recent sketch to post.
      Thank you
      Have a great weekend too.
