Thursday, April 9, 2015

Watching Gulls

Watching Gulls

11”x 8.5” Ebony graphite and chalk on card stock 


  1. Bonsoir cher Anthony,

    Je crois que tes mouettes ont envie de rejoindre mes mouettes Tropéziennes ! Elles sont tout en mouvement... Je peux presque entendre leurs cris !
    Mon ami Léo le toucan est d'accord avec moi, il les aime aussi les copines emplumées !

    ❀ ✺ Gros bisous ❊ ❀

    1. I think I have to make better friends with my seagulls first. They complain of being ignored too long while I draw my models..
      Thank you

  2. Watching gulls is something I am happy to do all day...and now you have brought these majestic birds to my computer screen!
    Oh thank you, much! :)

    1. My studio here is in a metro hell, too far from the waters where the seagulls are. I am so homesick for the place where I can watch seagulls all day. Winter has been too long. Can’t wait to go join the seagulls again.

  3. Buen dibujo... Un abrazo desde Murcia....

  4. she is so much at peace and were she to see one hurt, she would bring him tenderly somewhere to be fixed even if it meant just living for a little while and come back with the Bird healed and the Islands intact, I don't enough words to tell you how very much this means to me, thank you Anthony...i once saved one who was stuck in the middle of a parking lot,crying and cars wouldn't stop so I found a way to take it and some woman came over to help and she said if you mind holding her, I'll drive, I said absolutely and the first Vet we went too said we don't take birds, we were upset so we went to one further away and the Vet said no problem, and I asked can you fix her, you won't put her down will you, I said I'll pay, he was so kind, he was so kind he said don't worry it's just a little problem with a wing, I'll fix it and one of my people will bring it back to the marina....and I swear Anthony that when i sat in the sand full of these lovelies, she recognize me, I think so because she always came close to me and then flew away....

    1. Your kindness and those of the others, resulted in a wonderful memory and story to share. I’m sure the saved gull has passed on the story as well.. They all know now, you know.. Just look how they gather on the shore when you are about….
      My mother had the same gift. As a child, the gulls would gather around her whenever she was on the shore..

  5. Bravo ... watching gulls is something I find solace in ...
