Tuesday, August 12, 2014



On a street in Paris last month. The two women sharing the street, both well into their mornings, intrigued me. Of course paying for parking attacked more attention than walking a dog.
6”x 9” ink and watercolor


  1. They seem two different characters/attitudes and age too ;) ~ good eye/hand

    1. They truly are. I image the woman walking the dog was thinking of herself when she was as young, attracting similar attention.

  2. wow this is so well done and strangely familiar, I thought for a second i saw this before but i didn't it's a memory when I worked as a Career Advisor there were this woman next to a coin machine and she looked all out of sorts and I passed by and she stopped me she said i don't know what to do I have an interview i have to go to this won't take the quarters, i said don't worry just put a quarter in, if the parking cops come around they'll see that you tried but your quarter doesn't go in, I'm sure they won't ticket you and worse thing that can happen is that you lose a quarter...she looked at me so gratefully she is oh you're so smart i said no, I'm not stressed...I always wondered if she got the job, if the quarter trick worked or if someone stole it...i guess I'll never know lol but I Love the memory your fantastic painting brought to me lol

    1. I’m glad it brought back such memories.
      Thank you

  3. Ha...maybe I am an oddity!
    I was more intrigued by the woman walking her dog...where had she been, where was she going to?
    When a person drives somewhere, they have to keep to the road and so take the same route as everyone else.
    On foot, however, well...there are so many mysterious places you can reach when you walk your dog! *smiles*

    I really longed to step into this one and join her on her walk...:)

    1. I think the real interest here has to do with aging. I’m sure the lady walking the dog had her moment too when attracting attention may have been less work, even if walking a dog instead of parking.
