Monday, January 12, 2015

The Process of Starting

The Process of Starting

A conference
prior to revealing
less than is expected.
A not so serious contemplation,
if the pause,
between introductions,
and starting,
hasn’t taken too long.

Sketches of short warm up poses “J” provide recently for a drawing session.
24”x 18” oil sanguine and colored pencil


  1. Love this - it's what life drawing is all about!

  2. A thought has just struck me..."J" will never be lonely when posing alone. There is always a crowd there, just out of ordinary sight: the potential for alternative poses is endless...:)
    I really like the sense of movement in this one too...the impression of "J" moving in slow motion.

    1. She won’t be alone on these multiple drawings. She is though, in each of the poses, acting out these many images.
      Thank you

  3. Your process of starting comment as well as characters developing are phenomenal, and enchanting, it isn't always about the end product, beauty is also in the process and you show it so superbly! Bravo Anthony...

  4. something about my laptop crashing interrupted my comment so I had to get rid of it and now I don't know If I published it or not, so in some similar words, i love the process of your paintings as well at that of your writing, I love that you show it all, great paintings in the making are as interesting as finished product, that's not what i said but either way I meant both! it's wonderful Anthony!

    1. The process provides a story that won’t exist otherwise. The product is never as important as the history, the story that leaves a history to be absorbed.
      Thank you

  5. Love that you pointed the starting moment. To focus on possible directions of your future work with this particular model. Like the nearest, facing us figure: the energy, vitality, directness....

    1. Thank you
      “J” models has modeled often and will continue to. The possibilities continue to evolve as both of us mature..
