Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Somehow Missed

Somehow Missed

There is a value in this.
Not sure what it is.
Exhausted and consumed
fitting into a shape
with a shape once
easily assumed.

Sketched in a session with “DA” around a month ago. Not sure why I’ve waited till now.
14”x 11” ink and watercolor
Fountain Pens: Platinum Carbon fine and extra fine points


  1. Aww...such emotion evoked!
    There is a distinct sadness in his posture...the way he is hunched over suggests a huge burden resting on his shoulders. He is world weary and despondent...surely there is something someone can do to help lift it? ;)
    Digressing aside, though...this is a fabulous sketch! I love it!! :))

    1. Yes the model created a great peace of drama to speculate on.
      Thank you
