Friday, November 21, 2014



I painted “R” this morning posing with a shovel. The furnace, a fire, was all mine, an attempt to counter the cold weather outside the studio.
As I worked through, developing the painting, I started thinking of him as a stoker shoveling coal, keeping the fires going to heat the mansion above, or maybe a steam ship working its way across the Atlantic. He is down in the bowels of a basement, or an engine room on a ship, sweating his life away with a couple dozen others sharing a form of hell they were most likely born into, without a chance of much better, as the pampered people above, lounge in comfort, oblivious to what is moving them through the water, or keeping them warm. 
18”x 24” watercolor on cold press. 


  1. Phenomenal painting and your story, his story is perfect, because so many have been there throughout history and you have brought this deplorable condition to us, there is even a look of, a look you get when you know there is no way out, a look of resignation masking the despair. Congrats Anthony this is history, this is sad and fabulous, hugs and kisses to him and to you...

    1. Thank you.. “R” and I played this out fairly well. So many lead hard unrewarding lives. In reality though, neither “R” or I had careers doing hard labor. He might have once. I never did. Richard was a teacher until he retired, now modeling sometimes for extra income. I was an architect until I retired, just to do what I for so long didn’t have time for.

  2. It's wonderful sketch, 3D, I can feel the warmth of furnace, and the person looks very strong, self reserved and full of dignity, loving the work he does.

    1. Thank you.
      The complimenting colors helped.. “R” played out this character so well..

  3. WOW...what a marvelous seems to actually "leap out" of the screen at is SO vibrant and infused with life!
    I see how hard his life is, how unappreciated he feels.
    Whenever I take a trip on a steam ship, or lounge around in a mansion (as if!;)) in future, I will be much more mindful of those who work so hard for my comfort behind the scenes.
    Oh this poor guy...he so deserves a holiday and being waited on for a change...

  4. Thank you
    Fortunately these days, a stoker isn’t needed to fuel up the boilers on ships of the furnaces that keep us warm. There are so many other thankless jobs though, that deserve more appreciation.
