Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Dance of Young and Old

The Dance of Young and Old

Drawings from two session of the initial short gesture warm-up poses for two models of contrasting age and shape. When seen together it still fascinates me how similar the dance remains. Though the joy is harder for me to find hidden, it seems, within the more experienced.
Youth: 24”x 18” oil pastel of “B”
Old: 24”x 18” pastel of “MA” (The Queen)


  1. I love to dance, dancing bring the old to the young and no difference is found, you inspire me, later i'll find my radio close the drapes, strip and dance naked, I love it thanks x

    1. I am envisioning your dance, being very young, and hopefully inspired☺
      Thank you

  2. I agree, the joy does seem less obvious in the second somehow appears that MA's heart isn't really in this pose - a rarity for her.
    It is as if she is really struggling here.
    "B", on the other hand, is full of enthusiasm. There is much more movement. :)

    1. I think sometimes we become too easily serious about doing what we once just enjoyed as we age. She has been struggling the last few times I have drawn her with ailing joints and such in the short poses. She still shines in the longer poses though, when able to act out her many personalities.

  3. Bonjour cher Anthony,

    Vos traits nous offrent un délire ondoyant pour notre plus grand plaisir !... J'aime beaucoup cette danse qui unit les jeunes et les moins jeunes. Une union parfaite. Très jolis dessins Anthony.

    Gros bisous ☂

    1. I like their dances too.. I need to draw them both on the same page. One compliments the other.
      Thank you
