Saturday, June 15, 2013

Like "S" Alone With Herself

Like “S” Alone with Herself
I did these sketches and a few more this morning at a life drawing session “S” modeled for. Each pose seemed to have a introspective theme placing her in a world of her own, beyond the studio. It was like us drawing her weren’t there. Even when I placed her on the page with herself, she appears to be alone.
1st: 24”x 18” pastel pencil on colored charcoal paper
2nd: 24”x 18” sanguine on paper


  1. you're so right, they are drawn beautifully and the 2 looks like 1 so separate, love this unknown duo

    1. “S” was so good in this session at zoning out everyone in the studio, and getting into her own world.
      Thank you

  2. Bonjour Anthony,
    Pardonnez-moi de n'être pas très présente ces derniers jours. L'éducation de mon bébé Icarus m'absorbe beaucoup !!
    Toutefois je me suis autorisée un petit retour en arrière, ceci dit très plaisant !
    Vos derniers dessins sont vraiment merveilleux et très aboutis. J'aime beaucoup les poses qu'ont pris ces esseulées !

    Gros bisous à vous et bonne fête à tous les papas.

    1. Knowing you look in from time to time is more than enough. We all have busy lives.
      Thank you so much

  3. She does seem to be alone. That requires a heightened degree of concentration. Modeling like this is an art as opposed to the gaunt figures on the runway. Modeling that showcases the amazing human figure, rather than the clothes that come and go and mean nothing at the end of the day.

    1. I agree modeling for artist is a higher art. There are only a few who do it really well. I have been fortunate to be in a place where with so many good figure models.
      Thank you

  4. I loved the top composition, you did so well!

  5. It was nice that the second pose fit so well with the first.
    Thank you
